What do you think about the saying "Just Believe"?  Is it easy for you to believe there is a God and that He knows you?  If you don't believe in God, here is my challenge to you.  Say this, "God, if you are real will you show me?"  Then say a prayer to God about something going on in your life that you need direction or help with.  Keep watch and see what happens.


One beautiful Sunday morning, before going to church, my husband asked me if I wanted to join him and our 9 year old son Tyler and his friend Chase in an afternoon of riding ATV’s in the woods.

Of course I was reluctant to accept since visions of unfinished laundry and household chores started to

appear in my head.  

Glimmering Faith's Misson

If you find yourself not believing in God you've come to the right place.  All you need is a little curiosity and a desire to read on.  You will find yourself reading without stop because of the inspiring true stories.  When you hear how God is working and present in other people's lives you will realize that the events that happen are not just coincidences but were orchestrated by God Himself! 

Type your paragraph here.

Do you Believe?

Our Mission is simple:  To share our stories of true life experiences to hopefully build the faith of others to know there is a true GOD and that He cares about all of us.

What it's all about - Faith that is! 

Faith Filled




Home of "Angel in the Woods"
True Story
​By:  Debbie Brigham